The Romantic Comedy Book Club
Spoilers removed so review bounces around. Full review is on the site
Venturing back to Briar University campus, we move down the bromance roster and get to see the inner workings of one Dean Di Laurentis - a.k.a. Mr. Sunshine himself. This time, we have the added bonus of bringing back one of our favorite characters, Allie Hayes. When we first met her in The Deal, she was the supportive best friend of Hannah and making things work with Sean. Now in The Score, we get to find out who Allie really is and how life doesn't always work on the way we plan.
Life as Allie Hayes knows it, is about to change. For better or for the worst, that is still up for debate. After one fight too many, Allie finally decides to pull the plug on her long time boyfriend Sean. Granted, she has broken up with Sean countless times but it never sticks; however, this time will be different. She's older, stronger, smarter, and has ever intention of hiding like a coward at her best friend’s boyfriend house where Sean wouldn’t think to look for her (or be greeted by overly protective hockey players if he did manage to track her down). All she needs to do is stay away from her phone - no calls, no texts, no meetups. Open heart surgery would be easier but Allie is determined to stick to her guns. So much so that she has enlisted Dean Di Laurentis to take possession of her phone to avoid any temptation. It’s the least he could do after his snide babysitting comments. Yes, she may have interrupted what looked like a “Dear Penthouse” moment for Dean but this was a crisis! Dean, on the other hand, knows the perfect way to keep Allie distracted but a one night stand girl she is not. Well she didn’t think she was until she woke up the next morning with a tequila fueled hangover and chest slamming recall of the night before. Desperate to right a horrendous (yet insanely enjoyable) wrong, Allie demands the night is forgotten, declares it won’t happen again, and puts as much distance between her and Dean as possible. Easier said than done as Allie just delivered the best night of Dean’s life and he isn’t quite ready to forget.
I always enjoy Elle Kennedy’s books and The Score is just as mind-blowing as the rest. The universe (or in this case - University) she has built has become a second home. We know these guys! I feel like I have been invited inside of this sacred family and get to see where life takes them. Having read the first two books, we know where Logan and Garrett go. Now we see how life is panning out for Dean and Allie.
What I loved the MOST about this book was how Dean taught Allie to love who she was and not let anyone else make her feel less than. He showed her that labels are just words without meaning - we have to give them meaning to do any type of damage.
While I am sure there are words to describe the intensity of spice in this book, none come to mind. Dean really brought it out of Allie or at least unlocked the door she had it hidden behind. These two together was like poor gasoline on an open flame!
Each of these books draws you in, makes you laugh, make you cry, and reminds you that no matter what age - life always has something to teach you. Kennedy provides a peek at what's to come in The Goal and I can't wait to crack that one open!