Written on Mar 29, 2013
The most valuable thing that I learned from this book was that actions that sow hatred was often based on fear. Before when I encountered someone who I felt was acting in an ignorant way I would respond with the same actions myself. Give them a taste of their own medicine I thought, That will teach them. As this book explains most people dont set out to sow hatred but rather they don't know any better. I thought about this and realized it was true. And I realized that if I wanted to make a difference then I would have to put aside any notion of teaching them a lesson and respond with love. Love is the only thing that will change people.
This book gives concrete ways that one can show love to everybody. It is not easy but as Gandhi said,we must be the change we wish to see in the world. I will take this and the book to heart and try to implement love wherever I go.This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land