Written on Sep 28, 2014
The one thing that truly stands out about this one is the art. It’s simply stunning and You Higuri really breathes life into an otherwise bland story.
The story itself is okay. It wasn’t anything too out of the ordinary for a romance manga like this. You have the troupe of a school full of eligible and attractive guys, and the main character who has their pick of them. It’s a toss up to see who wins their affections. Keita’s relationship with the king is rather sudden, and very much a ‘love at first sight’ kind of story. There isn’t much to go or believe in before we get a quick sex scene and the book is over. Even knowing going in that Yaoi tends to focus on the physical, I had expected some sort of relationship to built and shown to us instead of brushed off as something quickly passionate.
I loved the art style, but the story is forgettable. I’m not sure I’ll bother trying to find the rest of the series any time soon.