The story follows Lord Francis Powerscourt and his intriguing investigation into the death of Prince Eddy, said to be a very naughty young man - involved in homosexual brothels, and the spreading of a particuarly nasty veneral disease through a bunch of young sailors. It is this particular indisgression that Lord Francis fears may be responsible for Prince Eddy's brutal murder.
The twist of history surrounding a figure who is known or at least suspected to have gotten up to all sorts of mischief is a good premise - a great one when researched and handled properly. David Dickinson has managed to pull of an immensely intriguing story, fleshing it out with characters appropriate of the time period and creating a likeable main character in Lord Francis.
Goodnight Sweet Prince was well researched and there was enough of a mystery to keep you guessing at various stages throughout. Some parts you could figure out staight away and others took a while longer, and some you didn't know the answer to until all was revealed. A definite recommendation to anyone who likes mystery and historical fiction.