Written on Aug 4, 2020
I worked in a school for over a decade, and it's a fact that the dress code is more restrictive for the female population. It is also true, that more developed young women tend to be "reminded" about the dress code more often than their less curvier peers. Firestone brings up these and many other important facts in this book which sees some young women challenging being dress coded in their own school. During the Dress Coded podcast, many students, current and former, shared their own violation stories. They were treated unfairly, were never asked if there as a reason for the dress code infraction, and some of the interaction were not only embarrassing, but also damaging.
I loved the idea of the main storyline and enjoyed seeing all these young people taking a stand and claiming some of their power. But there were a lot of side plots that I didn't totally embrace.
Overall, I enjoyed seeing dress codes challenged.