Written on Nov 5, 2019
I've said it before, and I will say it again, I FLOVE Jane Yellowrock and her clan. It is one of my favorite ongoing series, and is one I wish would go on forever. Fortunately, this is not the last we will see of Jane and clan, as there is at least one more book that I know of for sure, maybe more. Please let there be more. *fingers crossed*
Dark Queen left us nervous for Clan Yellowrock and for Jane specifically. Shattered Bonds picks up a bit after the events of Dark Queen, but Hunter makes sure we are caught up relatively quickly. As always, it will be difficult for me to review without spoilers, but I absolutely will not spoil anything for you. Please enjoy the vagueness to come. :-)
Jane and co deserve some time off, but do they get it? Of course not. Things start going to hell in a hand-basket pretty quick. The one thing I have learned from reading the other 12 books in this series is to just trust the author, things will all make sense and come together at some point. They always do.
I love that we keep getting more and more Jane/Beast interaction and backstory in every book. The conversations between those two are the best, and a co-worker and I "beast-talk" to each other at work. Which is of course hilarious for us and no one else.
I know this review doesn't tell you anything really, but if you have read any of the previous books, I would imagine you are like me and jump at the next book ASAP. If you haven't read any of the previous books, they are well worth the time investment. They are also fantastic on audio, and I will be starting my audio "read" just as soon as I am finished with my current book.