Written on Apr 30, 2009
In Submission, Ella is trying to mend her relationship with her daughter and agrees to let James Wyman stay in her home until his house is ready to move into. Ella has been pining for James for a long time, but will not admit her feelings because she is ashamed of them. James is determined to make her see the light and submit to him in every way sexually.
In Seduction, Jesse and Terrie have had feelings for each other for years, but Terrie was frightened of her desires and knew Jesse was very dominant in bed. Terrie has a bit of a dominant streak as well and they both struggle to control their burgeoning relationship.
Leigh has a formula that she likes to follow with some of her books: Dominant, alpha male that wants his woman to feel the ultimate pleasure at their hands by "sharing" her with another man. The women are intrigued by this, but since it's "wrong" denies, denies, denies. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It was OK in Submission, but annoying in Seduction.
Ella is older than James and it was one of the things that made her hesitant to be with him. Her former husband was a dominant as well, but they weren't compatible together and made her hate that lifestyle. I kind of understood Ella's reluctance and I thought James was sensitive to her needs. This was the better book in this anthology.
I didn't think Jesse and Terrie were good together; they just didn't work for me as a couple. Terrie was married to Jesse's brother because she thought he was safer. He was mentally abusive and liked to shove Jesse's sexual preferences in her face. He was aware of their feelings for each other and was determined to destroy it, I guess. He dies in a car accident and Jesse goes out of his way to care for Terrie. He decides he can't wait anymore, but wants her to seduce him. I didn't think there was much seduction going on from her part. She made an attempt and then seemed surprised when Jesse took her up on her offer. My whole thing was, if she really wanted it, she should have just gone for it. She was too wishy-washy for me.