Genre: Biographical comedy Characters: 3 males, 2 females Scenery: Interior In a small laboratory in Paris in the 1800s, Pierre and Marie Curie discover uranium, radium and their love. This intelligent comedy is equal parts science, history and riotously charming comedy. A blunt nanny, a profi teering scientist and a dull, ambitious academic department head round out the company. "An engaging, amusing and educational account of Pierre and Marie Curie's personal and professional lives... Laugh out loud funny." - Variety "Charming, funny and scientifi c... It makes you laugh til you cry." - France Soir "It radiates with good humor, freshness and youth." - Le Figaro Magazine
- ISBN13 9780573629198
- Publish Date 27 September 2011
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country GB
- Imprint Samuel French Ltd
- Format Paperback (US Trade)
- Pages 90
- Language English