What I thought was EXTREMELY well done was Natalya's mental illness. She is severe OCD and a hoarder of a specific kind of item. Fortunately I don't suffer from either of those, but the scenes where she is at her home, or when an attack is coming, my breath would become shallow and my heart rate would increase. I felt like I could at least empathize with her. I have a better idea of what people suffering from OCD & hoarding go through day after day. It isn't as easy as just stopping - they have to struggle every day, every moment.
All in all - I don't have a whole lot to say, good or bad, about Coveted. It was ok. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it. I will give the next book, Kept, a shot, because sometimes it is me that isn't connecting with a book, and the second book really hooks me. I will let you know!