Quirky Cat
Written on Feb 4, 2019
I’ve been a bit behind on reading Ms. Marvel lately, and with her series about to be rebooted (it’s going to be called the Marvelous Ms. Marvel now), I really should try to get caught up. So here I am, and I have to say that I’m really happy to have an excuse to come back to this series!
I love Ms. Marvel’s concept. I originally gave her series a try because I loved the Carol Danvers version of Ms. Marvel, and was willing to give anyone that picked up the mantle a try. But she’s really turned into her own character – she was herself from the start, and I love that this has never changed.
Ms. Marvel has always had a way of challenging the norm. And I’m talking about both her character and her plots here. For example, this volume doesn’t actually have Kamala Khan in it for the first three issues! But it was still really well done and quite interesting.
Kamala and Ms. Marvel have disappeared. You’d think that this might make people draw a connection between the two, but thankfully that doesn’t appear to be the case. It does, however, leave Kamala’s friends and Ms. Marvel’s fans in the lurch. Ironically the two groups overlap perfectly, and it’s up to them to step in for Ms. Marvel.
I like the concept of superhero fans trying to step up and help out while their beloved hero is missing. It wouldn’t work so great if they were facing supervillains or anybody higher up on the power scale…but for some of Ms. Marvel’s day to day fights… This is thanks to Ms. Marvel refusing to overlook any fight or populace, ironically enough.
Can I just say that I think I officially ship Ms. Marvel and Red Dagger? I know that they weren’t even on the same page for most of this volume…but I love them together. They’re perfect, perhaps too perfect, but I’d like to see them try to make it work.
Also I’m so unbelievably happy with the Captain Marvel cameo here. I had been worried that their relationship had been ruined forever thanks to Civil War II (gives it a dirty look), but thankfully that isn’t the case. Actually, the reason for Captain Marvel being absent is very mature and reasonable. I’m happy with it.
I’m looking forward to the next volume of Ms. Marvel. They’re setting up for a lot of changes in her life. Some are new changes, while others are more of the ‘back to the way things were.’ If that makes any sense. Still, I’m looking forward to seeing how it all falls into place.
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