Quirky Cat
Written on Feb 12, 2018
Telltale Games is a mini-series that was designed to be a prequel to the game for Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s fun and lighthearted and full of banter, so what more could a fan ask for? This volume contains all of our favorites from the Guardians crew, as well as a few surprise appearances. While this probably wasn’t the strongest in the Guardians world, it was still a decent read.
I’ll admit it took me a little bit to get used to the art style change (yes, it does match the game nicely, but since I haven’t played it yet I’m more used to the comics and their renderings). Once I got over that I was able to laugh and enjoy the series like I was supposed to. The Guardians of the Galaxy are in need of some credits, which really is nothing new to them. They always seem to be getting the short end of the stick and having something go wrong with their plans. It’s just the way things are for them, and this series is no exception.
The plot itself wasn’t terribly strong – more like a series of flimsy concepts to keep the group together and moving. But the character interactions more or less made up for that. There’s at least a half dozen hilarious points in here, including the realization that Drax is immune to psychic combat (long story, well not really, but you’ll have to read it to see because I’m not telling you).
My favorite part though? Without a doubt my favorite part was the appearance of Cosmo. Yes, that Cosmo! He’s so cute and I love picturing him talking sassy with his cute little accent. The series of events he drags the Guardians through was equally funny, though I did feel a bit bad for Rocket at times (apparently he can’t handle too much furry competition). If I’m being honest with myself Cosmo is the reason why I rated this at three and a half stars, instead of just the three.
I wouldn’t mind seeing more of this series, especially is Cosmo continued to hang out with them (he’s surprisingly useful). I don’t think that’s likely however, Cosmo seems to do lots of walk on roles, but not much else. Which is a shame, but what can you do?
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