Quirky Cat
Written on Nov 4, 2019
Avengers & Champions: Worlds Collide is at least somewhat self-explanatory. Here we find the Avengers and the Champions once again coming together – though at least this time it isn’t due to a Civil War, so there’s that.
A threat has arrived that is big enough to demand that both teams work together. And that admittedly does lead to some tensions. But it also creates plenty of opportunities to see some of our favorite characters interact, which is always something I’m looking forward to.
Marvel fans are probably at least somewhat familiar with the second earth – the one that many believe is on the opposite side of the sun. Now its presence can no longer be denied, as it itself has become the threat. All thanks to the High Evolutionary.
Avengers & Champions: Worlds Collide wasn’t quite what I expected it would be. It had all of the character interaction I was hoping for, but I feel like the main threat and villains sort of…fell flat. I had other concerns as well, but I’ll get to them in a moment.
I’ll confess that I actually had fairly high hopes for this volume, being a major team up and all. But I found myself rather disappointed, on the whole. The character interactions were okay, though they seemed…snippy? I understand that tensions were high, but some of the commentary seemed just a wee bit petty and beneath our heroes.
On the bright side, this volume did answer several questions that had popped up for me. I’ve been reading the later runs of the Champions, and you can probably imagine why I was confused with a sudden change (Viv being human and all). But now I’ve finally found the source of that change. It was more or less what I expected.
The artwork for Avengers & Champions was decent at least. I loved the way they more or less were able to keep each character’s given styles. That’s not something I take for granted, considering how many characters had to cameo in this issue.
And I will say that Viv’s human design is an interesting one. It makes me almost wish that she had stayed human, in the long run. Though I understand why all she wanted was to get her old body back. Who wouldn’t, after having to face such a dramatic change?
While Avengers & Champions: Worlds Collide wasn’t everything that I hoped it would be, it was still an interesting read at least. It was fun seeing some of my favorite characters again. And a bit of a throwback as well, to other characters who have since changed rather significantly (looking at you, Jane).
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