Kim Deister
Written on Nov 16, 2010
This was a story of life-changing secrets that could have led to a tale of intolerance and teenage rebellion. Instead, it was a story of love and acceptance, albeit a struggle of good versus evil. I was drawn into the story as if I were a part of the story, as opposed to an outside reader. Portia's struggle was very real and you felt her emotions right along with her. Vance was a perfect romantic hero, a combination of gorgeous bad boy and the guy trying to be honorable. The supporting characters were as well fleshed out as the main characters which made them come to life for me. The story was action-packed, but not overdone, keeping you engrossed to the very end. Near the end of the book, I was in tears reading it. Any book that causes an all-out cry-fest is a favorite! I think that the finest quality of a book is one that brings you in so much, makes you care so much, that it evokes an emotional reaction like that. I can't wait to post my reviews so I can start the next book, The Demon Kiss!