Briana @ Pages Unbound
Written on May 15, 2012
Jack, our hero, is also original. He does not waltz in and steal Emma’s (or the reader’s) heart. Instead, he is downright irritating with his constant requests for kisses and his incessant mockery of Emma’s inherited wealth. It is with time that he grows on Emma and she can recognize him for the loyal, smart, and heroic man that he is. For a relatively short book, their relationship goes through a lot of development.
His background is equally as fascinating. He is from New Orleans, where his mother was a healer. She was also the daughter of a line of Native American queens. The reader and the characters are never entirely certain how much of Jack’s skills are learned folk medicine and how much is magic. Weyn blurs the line between fantasy and reality that encourages readers to look for the magical in their daily lives.
A very successful and creative retelling.