In the next installment of the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series, follow Chaol on his sweeping journey to a distant empire.
Chaol Westfall has always defined himself by his unwavering loyalty, his strength, and his position as the Captain of the Guard. But all of that has changed since the glass castle shattered, since his men were slaughtered, since the King of Adarlan spared him from a killing blow, but left his body broken.
His only shot at recovery lies with the legendary healers of the Torre Cesme in Antica--the stronghold of the southern continent’s mighty empire. And with war looming over Dorian and Aelin back home, their survival might lie with Chaol and Nesryn convincing its rulers to ally with them.
But what they discover in Antica will change them both--and be more vital to saving Erilea than they could have imagined.
- ISBN10 1681195771
- ISBN13 9781681195773
- Publish Date 5 September 2017
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 19 January 2023
- Publish Country US
- Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
- Imprint Bloomsbury YA
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 672
- Language English

It's funny how reading this book make you realize how much Aelin and Chaol don't belong together. You really get a bit of that in earlier books when Chaol is really disgusted by Aelin's aggression/violence, but this book really shows you how PERFECT he is with a healer. My word.
The visual parts of the healing process weren't really my cup of tea. Like... Yrene would start healing Chaol and they'd spend hours battling Chaol's like "inner demons", but it has some sort of visual representation that they can both see. It's almost like they were in a shared dream state, I guess. Anyway that just wasn't something I was super into.
Although it was hard to be away from Aelin, Rowan, and co., I did enjoy the new continent. The royal family was interesting and of course the ruk are awesome. If you're into the ruk then you should totally check out the Tairen Soul series.
I also really liked how everything kind of tied together. Chaol and Nesryn separate but they both kind of figure out half of what's going on and those two halves connect, which then connect to everything Aelin's doing. I thought it was very cool!
I am totally pissed that I decided to read this series now until next year when the last book is tout though. :P Stupid stupid stupid!

I didn’t like this book nearly as much as I liked the rest of the series. I am Team Aelin 110%. Any novel set in this world without her is lacking. Additionally, I was really not a fan of Chaol this novel. I know many people love him, and I enjoyed him at the beginning of the series. But I’m not a fan of his romance. I don’t necessarily mind him and Nesryn moving on from each other, but him moving in on Yrene without ever really talking with Nesryn is a shitty thing to do. I really wish they had spoken about their relationship prior to her leaving with Sartaq. The rest of the romances are fun, if not that surprising.
Despite my issues, there are many aspect to enjoy if you choose to read it. Maas does an incredibly job with the southern content setting, especially with the history and lore. The setting and the characters are all more diverse than the rest of the series. Some new tidbits come to light by the end of the novel, setting several things into motion for the last installment.
tl;dr More diversity mixed with a problematic romance made this an uneven read.

Kait ✨
Initially I felt a little uncomfortable with Sarah’s approach to Chaol’s injury and disability at first but I actually kinda like how she ended it, and was interested to read this review that talks a bit more about that. I was also unsure about her approach to Antica as I feel like Sarah as a history of cultural appropriation but, again, I was surprised at how decently Sarah handled this. Almost all of the characters are POC; I think Chaol and Yrene are the only white people with page time in this book. And there’s also a major side character who is queer, though I think that was handled a little oddly at times.
This book definitely needed a better editor—a) it didn’t need to be this long, and b) there are sentence fragments, typos, etc. GALORE. I also think this would have been much better published before [b:Empire of Storms|28260587|Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5)|Sarah J. Maas|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1463107108s/28260587.jpg|25272004]. We were left on such an emotional high at the end of that book and I feel like Tower of Dawn has dissipated that. Plus, not knowing what was happening with Aelin would have ratcheted up the tension had Tower of Dawn been published first.
All in all, it was okay—I loved Nesryn’s storyline, but the rest of it was kind of boring. It just wasn’t as fun as the other books in the series, and to be honest, that’s why I’ve always overlooked so many of the issues in Sarah’s books. Will definitely be continuing the series with the final book—I’m too far in now!—but I do hope it’s better edited and the joie de vivre that’s in the other books returns.

Kate (Blogging with Dragons)
Spoilers are marked, but read at your own risk!
When it was announced in an earlier installment of Throne of Glass that Chaol and Nesryn were heading to the Southern Continent, I was disappointed. I always loved Chaol, and am still bummed that Aelin ended up with Rowan, and was annoyed that Chaol would not be involved in the exploits of the next book, Empire of Storms, just because he was injured and angry. So, I wasn't sure what to expect and had a bit of trouble getting into this book initially. Would Tower of Dawn be more of a standalone departure or just kind of like an aside? Tower of Dawn ended up being a completely necessary read for Throne of Glass fans, containing information that blew my mind about the events in Empire of Storms and beyond, and I was super glad that I read it. I enjoyed Tower of Dawn, with its new and interesting setting in the Southern Continent, new characters and romances, portrayal of disability, and the twist at the end that made me want the next book ASAP. But even with the twist, author Sarah J. Maas’s formula was starting to feel a bit stale in her romance between Chaol and Yrene, but more on that later.
Taking place during the events of Empire of Storms, Tower of Dawn follows Chaol and Nesryn to Antica, part of the Southern Continent, where they will attempt to not only find healing for Chaol’s magically caused spinal injury that left him paralyzed from the waist down, but also an alliance with the powerful Khaganate that could save the entire fate of the world. But the path to an alliance is wrought with intrigue, with the Khagan’s five, formerly six, children poised and expected to fight each other to the death in order to become the new Khagan. With each prince and princess spying and plotting against one another, and the Khagan and his wife in turmoil at the death of their youngest daughter, Chaol and Nesryn certainly have their way cut out for them. I found it pretty confusing that all of this royalty was unanimously heartbroker at the death of their sister, Tumelun, as the siblings were already actively planning to kill each other, but that’s the stage Maas set.
Luckily, Chaol’s new healer, Yrene Towers, is coincidentally a close friend of Hasra, the princess and commander of the Khagan’s navy, and a former love interest of prince Kashin, commander of the Khagan’s horse and land army, and helps him get closer to the royalty and the alliance he needs with him. Not going to lie, I couldn’t help but to groan as Chaol’s healer, a character in Assassin’s Blade—who also happened to be gorgeous, intelligent, and a prodigal healer, was introduced—knowing immediately that she would end up with Chaol, his relationship with Nesryn be damned. And while I typically enjoy being right, I truly wished it hadn’t been so predictable. To me, it felt like a “token” romance, one that was more of fan service than actually necessary. Perhaps if the feelings and romance were merely hinted at during this book and acted upon in a future book, I would have liked it more. But for Chaol to essentially cheat on Nesryn with her, after reaming Aelin a new one for finding her mate and choosing him over Chaol, I found it really hypocritical and unsavory.
Plus, it was all just too perfect. Healer, who just happens to be the best of her kind in ages, once saved by Aelin—Chaol’s former lover—meets injured soldier, essentially aids him in fighting the Valg in his magical wound, and saves his life, overcomes her prejudice against Adarlan, and can fulfill her lifetime dream of going back to the Northern Continent with his help, as his wife. All while possibly being the key to fighting back and defeating the Valg! What a coincidence!
Despite the cliché setup between these two, their stereotypical healer/patient romance wasn’t all bad. It was nice that Yrene was able to look past Chaol’s afflictions and see him beyond his spinal injury and wheelchair, and as a person—not just a patient—who needed his ass kicked to make progress. I liked Yrene’s ability to push through Chaol’s healing, when it meant tormenting them both with painful memories sent by the Valg. I also enjoyed their united scheming to get them to the Oasis, where an ancient Necropolis lay with information about the Valg.
But even more, I liked Maas’s depiction of disability and the complicated emotions that go with it—devastation, self-loathing, and anger. It was spot-on and felt like it was a victory for people like myself, with physical limitations, and hope that it will inspire new understanding in her readers. What meant the most to me, a person suffering from multiple autoimmune disorders/chronic illnesses, is that Maas didn’t magically heal Chaol and take away all of his suffering, so that he could be a “hero” again. If I had a dollar for every time this happened in a novel, I’m looking at you Eon and Eona, I’d be a lot richer and less resentful. Instead, Maas had Chaol learn to accept himself as a person, with help from Yrene, regardless of whether he had to use wheelchair. And what was even better was that Chaol did this through difficult physical therapy and training, not just through healing magic—something that is definitely not readily available in our world.
So when Yrene saved his life through paying a “cost” to the goddess of healing, Silba, and it effectively cursed him back to having his injury by binding him to Yrene—when she was low on magic reserves, he couldn’t walk—it wasn’t the absolute end of the world. He’d already worked through his affliction and realized he was still a valuable person with it—a powerful message for anyone that is less than in perfect health. I look forward to seeing how this price, which also includes Yrene and Chaol both dying when the other dies, will play a part in future installments in the series, as the two both plan in engaging in the war, death be damned. Personally, I would be a lot more concerned for my partner’s safety, but perhaps this is why I am not a heroine in a book.
I must say I had to roll my eyes not only when Chaol and had sex for the first at a Necropolis, with her former love interest the prince in a tent nearby--terrible decision making--and then later on got married "off-screen," for a lack of a better term. How many times does Maas have to do this? She never gets sick of it! But what really repulsed me, was that Chaol referred to Yrene as “Lady Westfall,” even though he abhors being called “Lord Westfield,” himself, as she points out to him. I think Maas was trying to evoke some sort of Elizabeth Bennet to “Mrs. Darcy” moment, but it just felt so contrived, ill-fitting, and saccharine that I felt a bit nauseated.
Though I came to bear Yrene and Chaol’s too perfect relationship, I much preferred Nesryn’s budding romance with Sartaq . It felt less cliché and more authentic. Similarly, I loved everything having to do with the Ruks and the Aeries. Though I had never been fond of Nesryn, I grew to like her a lot in this book. And as she felt at home for the first time among Sartaq, his hearthmother and hearthsister, I felt that way too. I adored that she found her place in the world, her experience of flying for the first time, and bonding with her own Ruk. Similarly, I enjoyed Falkan’s appearance, their reconnaissance of the Fae watchtowers, and their battle against the cringeworthy Stygian Spiders.
Nesryn’s intelligence and capability was fully on display when she coerced the Spiders into revealing that they were under Maeve’s—who is actually a freaking Valg Queen in disguise—orders to guard a nearby Wyrdgate! I about laid an egg upon reading this, but then realized in retrospect that I should have seen it coming all along. I was really impressed how Maas so expertly laid groundwork and set it up for this grand ! I hope she can do more of this careful planning and build-up with her romances in the future instead of defaulting to her cookie-cutter relationships.
Maas excelled at building the world and culture that is entirely different from that of the Northern Continent’s, where most of the Throne of Glass series has taken place. I enjoyed learning about the gods and goddesses, and how the Khaganate worked. But when the book dealt with the Valg, the Wyrdgates and keys, I was truly hooked on the story. Though I could have lived without Yrene and Chaol’s romance, I was reminded why I originally liked Throne of Glass, better than A Court of Thorns and Roses. I found this new installment in the series a lot less disappointing than that of the latter series and it is a must-read for any Throne of Glass fan. Plus, Maas included a last chapter “Fireheart” that made me fill with anticipation and dread for the next book already. 2018 and the next Throne of Glass entry cannot come soon enough!

Say g'day to Yrene. This little corker is still wet behind the ears but she's tough as old boots, living in a tower with other magical sheila's. Yrene thinks Chaol is a dead set mongrel by making a quid for the old King of Adarlan. While the kingdom was in all sorts, Chaol and Nesryn racked off and leaving Dorian and Chaol's former misses Aelin while Chaol pulls a sickie, legging it to find a few dipsticks to join their epic blue. No piece of piss mate.
While Nesryn pissed off to visit her family, he was flat out whinging to pay her any attention anyway and in walks Prince Sartaq. He's hot as and who can blame a sheila for having a perve. At least Yrene wasn't standing for his bullshit. Chaol's living in the royal castle like a bludger, with his own servant ready for happy endings. Fucked up royal wankers assuming he's rooting Nesryn but let's give him a half naked sheila to pull him off anyway. Thank fuck for Yrene. She cottoned on that he's not the prick she thought he was and wants to help him but Chaol thinks he'll be apples with his legs working again. Nice try son. Chaol was flogged with the King's magical lightning and is now feeling guilty for leaving his mates Dorian and Aelin and needs to stop telling furphies. He's not in good nick and needs to have a chin wag to someone.
Let me earbash you about Nesryn. This sheila is a glorified security guard for that Adarlan shithole and as exciting as watching paint dry. She's legging it because she's had a gut full of Chaol's whining and joins a royal gang of people who ride big birds. I shit you not. They'll all be cactus soon. That Duke Perrington prick is land grabbing and sending his army of demonic halfwits to mess shit up like Bogans at an Aldi sale. I was stoked the dack dropping was kept to a minimum. I don't care if characters are going at it but there's a time and place for it. Don't just whip out your old fellow.
It was a dog's breakfast in the beginning but went like the clappers once they all got their shit together. Chaol was hard done by in Empire of Storms but stoked he's got his own yarn to spin. I'm fanging for Yrene to meet Manon. Either they'll shack up or it'll be game on. Give it a burl, the second half goes off like a frog in a sock.