Written on Aug 30, 2014
Strikers was a great action-packed take on the dystopian genre, and I quite enjoyed it. There were a few slight issues that I had, but overall, I liked it and will definitely read the next book!
Things I Liked:
-The Characters. Especially Karas, who'd had a very tough life, with no signs of improvement, and has been a bit hardened. I like when there is an explanation for a character's strength, as opposed to just "Oh, she takes risks" and there are definitely many reasons behind Karas's choices. Jovan was also a great character, I admired him, and his willingness to do what he thought was right. The supporting characters were really great additions to the story as well.
-The first third and last third of the book. These parts moved quickly and were full of action and revelation.
- The Setting. I need MORE information, all the information! This world is messed up! The whole concept of the Strikers existing is so awful, and I am hoping to get more and more worldbuilding in future installments!
Things I Didn't:
-The middle third was a bit slow. I found that after the first third, things kind of tapered off a bit for me, but then they picked back up again around the last third.
-This might be silly, but having characters named Jovan and Jordan really threw me off. I would have to go back and check because I would read the name wrong because they are so similar. Weird complaint, I know. It didn't really change my opinion of the story itself or anything, but it made it a bit harder to read.
Bottom Line: I definitely enjoyed this book, and I look forward to reading the sequel!