Written on Sep 18, 2019
So I didn't read the whole book, because it just wouldn't have been helpful. I read up on the Full Moon that had just passed as the time of reading - Full Moon in Pisces - and bits surrounding it, but the New Moon in Taurus wouldn't exactly be helpful for the time I was reading. It's a book you're meant to revisit and look up at each moon. When it got to the New and Full Moon in regards to your natal chart, though, I started getting pretty confused. This is mainly on me than the book, however, as I'm just not au fait with astrology yet. I managed to get my head around it all eventually, but again, it's to dip in and out of.
But it does get really involved, and I just don't think, on the whole, Moonology is really for me. There are elements I can incorporate into my practice of witchcraft, but it's not really something I would stick to religiously. I might dip in and out to read about specific moon phases with moon signs, to get a better idea of what's going on, but I doesn't really work for me.