Written on Nov 11, 2020
Man, this was laying the nostalgia vibes on THICK! BUT I LOVED IT! I am what you may call a buffy super fan. I grew up on Buffy; literally my mom and I watched it together every single week, and I own every single season on itunes from the BNF (Before Netflix) Era lol.
This was so fun! It was a delightful romp that was in that mid YA range, a cool, fun, little mash up between Buffy The Vampire Slayer and The Babysitter's club (which I don't remember too much of though,) as well. I loved the whole "Chosen Sitters" stuff lol.
I feel like your odds of liking this are greatly affected by those shows & what they mean/ meant to you, because this is a bitttttt cheesy (but in a really good way for me at least). This may be a 3-3.5 star read for those less invested in Buffy, for all I know