Written on Jun 12, 2017
Well, I'm finally finished. I was determined to listen to this series instead of reading but I do feel that maybe it didn't do it justice. Don't get me wrong, the narrators did an awesome job. There's a certain level of concentration that must be maintained to listen (instead of reading) as a first read. Outside distractions can have you following along one minute, then someone dies and you're trying to work out who and what killed them. So, you skip back and find out that it wasn't that important (listen to me saying that life and death aren't important...SHOCKING!) and you've just wasted time...AGAIN!! Which is why a book that would have taken me a couple of days to read, takes me a couple of weeks to listen to instead.
Anyways, I really enjoyed A Court of Wings and Ruin. There's a tension that hums below the surface from the very beginning until the end. Evil is at their door and it's not clear who will fight for good and who will follow the bad ones. I can safely say, that besides the inner-circle, I didn't trust anyone. They were either protecting their behinds or trying to work out what advantage they could gain.
The love story stays strong and I believed that neither doubted their commitment to each other. There was a wee bit of time near the beginning where I was a little squinty eyed and thought things were a little off, but it wasn't long before it all made sense. The relationships that were forming around the main characters were left very much in the air. I was a wee bit disappointed, to be honest. I know there will be more in the series, but I hate seeing them left hanging.
My absolute FAVOURITE part of A Court of Wings and Ruin was seeing all of the monsters come out to play. How would they appear? Who will keep them under control? Will someone need to bargain their cooperation? My heart was pounding and I think my Solitaire games (while listening) were finished in record timing. I was zapping through each game like my life depended on it. If I didn't get those cards laid as fast as I could...Prythian could DIE!! Yep, I was way into the moment. ;)
I'm so glad I gave this series a go. I've gone from - meh - to - LOVE - to - I like it...I like it a lot. Will I go on with the series? Sarah J. Mass...you write it...I'll listen to it.