Written on Oct 5, 2016
For some reason the main male character in this book reminded me of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. But in a good way? Very strange. I really loved him though and I’ve added him to my book boyfriend list. He was such an interesting character! You could never tell if he was lying or tricking someone (most often he was) but at the same time he could really surprise you! He really made this book for me.
I loved our main character as well. I loved that she was always underestimated for being a girl but she was still SO awesome! She would use the fact that people assumed that because she was a girl that she wasn’t strong or smart. She took that and became super awesome and saved so many people! It was really cool to read.
I also really loved the world in this book! It was as if France was back in the dark ages again. Technology was destroyed and feared but had existed at one point and there was a scary ruler who liked to chop peoples heads off. How cool does that sound??
Bonus points for not being a part of a series!
What I Didn't Love
The only thing I didn’t like about this book was that the beginning was a bit slow. There was enough interest to keep me going but I can see how some people would get bored and stop reading. (Though I hope you don’t!)
Who I'd Recommend To
I’d recommend this book to any dystopia lover who is tired of all the dystopia books taking place in the U.S.. It gets a bit tedious reading about the same kind of society all the time so this book was really refreshing for me. It also reminded me why I loved dystopia books in the first place.