Written on Nov 6, 2020
I first heard of this book when booktube began gushing about the admittedly gorgeous cover and the heft of the arcs. I immediately wanted to know more, and pre-ordered my copy. I am ridiculously excited about this book, and I think I will likely grab the audiobook as well.
This is a fantasy novel like no other I have read. The world being created in the first few chapters felt deep and lush with worldbuilding and it only made me crave more of the story when it finished. I could have done with a map to help me keep the different countries straight in my head, but I am hoping the final copy will have one. I am intrigued by all of the characters mentioned so far, but I am far more intrigued by the history of this world and the relationships between humans and dragons. I cannot wait to find out more.
I won't rate this review as it was not the entire book, but if I was going to rate the book so far it would have to be 4.5*. Bring on February!