Written on Oct 9, 2017
Like I said above, the book started off great. Kassidy is sent on a singing telegram to Wyatt’s house. After singing to him, she ends up accepting a date to help him with some Chinese sponsors. It is after that “date” that they hook up and agree to have a no strings attached relationship. That is where I started to become bored. I also started not liking the main characters around that time. It was because of how Wyatt acted. If I could reach through my Kindle and smack someone, he would have been number one on my list.
I did like Kassidy and connected to her on several levels connected with her. Her issues with being decisive struck a chord with me. I am terrible with making decisions and I have had a boyfriend break up with me because of that. But, he didn’t do it the way Kassidy’s ex did. That was pretty awful. I liked that she was willing to go with the flow with Wyatt. He wants sex and no relationship, sure, she’ll do it. But I started to get bored with her after a while. I wish that she had a bit more of a backbone. I mean, she did get one when she told Wyatt her news and he reacted in that god awful way. I wish that it happened sooner.
Wyatt, I wanted to smack but he was honest in all his dealings with Kassidy. I wish he was a little nicer about it. I mean, he went out of his way to tell people that they weren’t together….in front of her. Also, his reaction to her news was awful. But, I can see where he was coming from. I mean, if I were a rich, famous, single guy and a chick that I was banging sprang that news on me, I would react the same way. I did like the way that he apologized to Kassidy. I will never look at a cowboy outfit the same way again!!
I felt that Catching the Player ran out of steam mid-book. Everything else after that, I felt, dragged the story on. But, on the flip side, I did like how likable Kassidy was and how realistic Wyatt was. If they were a real-life couple, I would give them a 75% chance of staying together.
The end of the book was very heartfelt. I liked how Wyatt apologized to Kassidy and expressed his love for her. It was actually funny and like I said above, I will never look at a cowboy the same way again…lol. The epilogue was awesome!!
I enjoyed reading Catching the Player but thought it ran out of steam midbook. I did get bored with the book after reading for a while. I also got annoyed with the characters around the same time that I thought the book ran out of steam. But it was a very cute book that was a quick read.
**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**