I really enjoyed One Thing Led To Another. Usually when books say they are hilariously funny they usually aren’t but One Thing Led To Another had me laughing out loud a few times. I thought the plot was new and unique compared to other chick lit books and thought Katy’s execution and writing style was brilliant.
I loved Tess and Jim’s easy friendship. I felt they complemented each other as well as being able to take the mickey out of each other. I thought Tess was a well-written character and I enjoyed the easiness of the first person narrative. I also liked the way Jim wanted to be a father even if it was a total surprise. I also liked how Katy portrayed Tess and Jim’s relationship. It was real and Katy kept us guessing throughout the entire novel. One of the characters said they were like Ross & Rachel on Friends and that’s exactly – EXACTLY – what they were like.
I enjoyed all of the minor characters, too. Vicky and Gina, Tess and Jim’s other best friends, I liked how they each had their own troubles and managed to resolve them. Tess’ mum and dad, it was great to read about a father and daughter who are incredibly close. Then there’s Laurence who was quite irritating. I knew there was more to him that met the eye.
I thought Katy wrote about Tess’ pregnancy very well and found the novel just kept going along at a briliant pace. The ending was brilliant and for the last few chapters I was rushing to finish it to see if just maybe we would get the ending I was hoping for!
That’s where the novel differs from Katy’s experience, the ending but I’m not complaining!
I also enjoyed the paragraphs at the beginning of each chapter telling us about other women and their experiences of having a baby.
It was definitely an enjoyable and engaging debut and I sincerley hope Katy Regan is writing a second novel.
Rating: 5/5