Cocktails and Books
Written on Dec 5, 2014
Sophie Walker and her best friends Erik and Obie are off to the Maldives where Sophie hopes to find some kind of message that quitting law school and dumping her long time boyfriend was the right thing to do. Her trip there may have had a rocky start, but things start to look up for her (and Erik and Obie) when she meets Clayton Sinclair.
I connected with Sophie immediately. The poor girl spent a lot of time in her head second guessing every decision she made and some of the decisions made for her. You could tell she was frustrated with her inability to let go and knew she wanted to change and become someone who enjoyed life. Getting a glimpse at her home life, you knew a lot of her problems hinged on her somewhat high strung parents and their need to dictate what was acceptable for her and what wasn't. I could see why she was drawn to Clayton, because he made her forgot about the what ifs and focus on right now...something she'd never been able to do.
If there was one thing I didn't like about Sophie, it was how she didn't let Clayton explain what she saw in the tabloids while at the airport. I could understand her being upset and hurt by what she saw, but she never gave the man (who she said she loved) the chance to explain what she saw. From the preview into book 2, I saw that decision was coming back to bite her in the ass, but I would have hoped Sophie would have thought more of herself and Clayton to talk to him before she threw the baby out with the bathwater.
This was a fun, sexy and easy read. I was desperate for something to lose myself in and this was just what I needed. I know anxiously wait MAD LOVE 2, because I really do need to know what happens when Clayton and Sophie meet again.