Written on Jan 8, 2019
May Contain Spoilers
Going into You Won’t See Me Coming I was extremely nervous. It’s the end of one of my favorite trilogies that never left me disappointed which is some pretty big shoes to fill for the final. I can gladly say though that this book did not disappoint for the most part and It had me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book.
You Won’t See Me Coming starts a little while after You Won’t Know I’m Gone ended. We see the fallout that happened from the choices that Reagan made and how they have affected the people she loves most.
“You know how some people have the golden touch? I have the poison touch. Everything I do turns bad.”
That quote is very true when it comes to most of this book it seems. It’s easy to see how Reagan feels that way when you consider everything that has happened to her in the past year. She’s lost so much and is still dealing with what she saw and made happen in South America. This is also why I’ve loved this series so much, not everything is happy go lucky or oh this bad thing happened but everyone is still okay. Instead, we get reality which is some people end up broken because of what they saw and things aren’t instantly forgiven. Reagan has a lot to make up for in this book and while she doesn’t realize it right away she does know what she needs to do.
“She said I wasn’t meant to be happy. I was meant to change the world.”
Luke is still very present in this book, besides Reagan’s dad he is the one current constant in her life and I think the only thing keeping her from completely losing it in the beginning. No, things aren’t perfect between them and it shows, it’s more realistic for a change in real relationships and that’s why I actually truly do like them as a couple.
“I’ve been trained my entire life to maybe die one day for someone else.”
In this book, we also get to see some characters we knew in You Don’t Know My Name. Harper was Reagan’s best friend and when it becomes obvious that she’s in danger Reagan takes things into her own hands again with Lukes help. This sets of a chain of events that really brings the whole trilogy together, by tying up the loose ends that were left from the previous two books.
“Torture of the heart is far worse than torture of the body.”
It leads to some of the most heart-stopping moments of the whole trilogy. I didn’t want to stop reading and I truly couldn’t read fast enough at some points because of what was happening. Orlando did an amazing job of keeping the heart-stopping moments coming while also giving you little reprieves where you could try and figure out with Reagan how they were going to get out of the situation.
Overall You Won’t See Me Coming was the perfect ending to one of my all-time favorite trilogies. I’m going to miss Reagan and Luke so much. I truly do love spy novels and this one was my favorite YA one I’ve ever read. I’m sad to see the trilogy end because I’m going to miss the characters, but I’m also very happy with how everything was wrapped up.
I now leave you with my favorite quote from this book:
“I find it kind of unnerving that this man has anything resembling a normal life down here. Like, it’d be less disturbing to me if this basement was filled with trophies from murder victims and machetes.”