We first meet Fred when the golf coach for the high school is talking to her and her Dad about Fred joining the golf club. She’s a fantastic golfer and the coach wants her on the team. Being Native American, living on the res and being a girl, Fred’s father isn’t too wild about Fred joining the team but he leaves it up to Fred and she accepts.
There are plenty of things that jump out during this story. Fred’s now apart of the golf team and with her inclusion, some cuts need to be made and the guy they cut just so happens to be Ryan’s best friend. So yeah, Ryan is not too happy about that and he makes his displeasure known again and again and again.
At times, I found myself annoyed with both Fred and Ryan. At times, they are both very unlikable (at least to me) and while the whole premise of the story intrigued and interested me, there were times when I just had to put the book down because it dragged. Both Ryan and Fred annoyed me so much through out the book that it’s a wonder why I even liked the book. But I did. I really liked all of the golf talk because let’s be real, golf is pretty boring but I thought Fichera did a great job of making golf, cool.
I’m glad that I finished this book because I did come to like both Ryan and Fred’s characters but even then, it didn’t completely wash away my annoyance from the both of them in the beginning and middle of the book. You could chalk it up to them both being young and immature (way immature) but be that as it may, they were still hard to take at times.
Overall, I liked the concept of the book and I came to like the characters in the book but it wasn’t my favorite book of the year.