Written on Dec 22, 2017
Aiden enlists the help of ex-cop, Charlotte "Charlie" Finch to help him execute his plans. Thanks to Dmitri, Charlie was framed as a dirty cop, and she longs for justice. It was great seeing these two strong, confident and determined characters come together. The sexual tension and banter as they got to know and understand each other was delectable. Undercover Attraction shares the arrangement trope as Aiden presents Charlie to the family as his fiancee. It was fun seeing their reactions and watching how Charlie integrated herself into their lives just by being Charlie. The story is told from multiple POV's but primarily those of Charlie and Aiden allowing the listener to get up close and personal.
Things have been strained between the O'Malley siblings, and we see a coming together which made me smile. I loved getting to know Aiden. He is intense and wants nothing more than to see his siblings happy, but sometimes business gets in the way.
As for the storyline..it was friggin intense, and nothing is going as Aiden had planned. Unexpected feelings for Charlie, threats against the women and a situation that could spell death have him working with the enemy. It was brilliant, addictive and fast-paced. Mix in heat, swoon-worthy moments and family created a story that will have you up late listening. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer