Katie King
Written on Jun 25, 2014
I really struggled to read this. So much so that I couldn't make it past 45%. It followed 5 or 6 spoiled, bratty, rich kids throughout the plotless book. Seriously, there was no plot. Each chapter followed a singular character through a day in the life. It was like a diary written intermittently from each kid's perspective, except diaries don't jump back and forth in time. Every couple of paragraphs would end with a divider and the next few paragraphs would be from (maybe) weeks ago or in the future. There was no concept of time. In addition, the language these characters used was just ridiculous. Excessive name-dropping (even for the wealthy), cursing, drinking, and drugs. I got the feeling that the author didn't know where the line of believable was so they just threw in as much as they could. I was thoroughly annoyed. Right around when I stopped, one of the characters was throwing the biggest tantrum ever over planning a party and I just wanted to SMACK her upside the head. By the time I decided to DNF, I had had more than enough of her. Sorry to say you just can't make anything into a book.