What I liked:
• The cover is really cute (and queer)!
• I loved that the story was about family and friendships, and not so much about romance.
• The characters were so diverse – there were queer characters of color, trans and nonbinary characters, older queer characters, polyam characters… That was great!
• I also liked that the story was set in Canada.
• The side characters were all really great and interesting! Paige was very funny, and I loved Shirley and Derek.
What I didn’t like:
• I wish asexuality and aromanticism had at least been mentioned… In such a diverse story it would not have been difficult to include an a-spec character.
• I really didn’t like the main characters. Mark was just an asshole, especially at the beginning. He’s a selfish, privileged white allo cis gay guy, and he literally tells Talia: “You don’t seem happy unless you have some social justice warrior shit to keep you busy.” because she educates him about some queer topics. And the worst thing is: he never apologizes for it, and at the end, Talia even seems to agree with him!
• The plot was kind of boring… There was no real common thread, little to no character development and the ending seemed a little forced.