Written on Dec 30, 2016
Ok, so, I loved this book so much! This was my favorite installment, I loved everything about it: Tavi, the Canim, Tavi, the military setting, Tavi, the new characters, TAVI and basically everything else.
I enjoyed all the flashbacks, I think they are very well done and also necessary to the story. Araris is now a much more relatable character and I got to know Septimus, my new obsession.
But let's talk about the very best: Tavi. Oh God I love you. At the beginning of FoC I liked you and I thought you were great and fun to read about, but now, NOW I can't even find the right words to express my love.
Tavi is easily one of my fav characters of 2016, second only to Kip Guile (Sevro au Barca and Dalinar Kholin don't make the list 'cause I've officially met them in 2015...). I love the fact that he's furyless but he doesn't act as a human case and he's not looked down upon because of it: he's very resorceful, loyal, clever, brave, he's the perfect commander and the perfect friend, I just can't wait to see how he will act in the next book, it's going to be epic!
Fantasy books heavy on politics and military strategy are easily my favorite, so it doesn't come as a surprise that I gave Cursor's Fury 5 stars. The only thing I didn't find as entertaining as the rest of the book was Amara's plotline: I didn't really care for her and Bernard and Rook, even though I know their story was as important as the others.
Anyway, fantastic series! Need to have the next book in my hands ASAP.