Romance Schmomance
Written on Jan 30, 2019
The last book in the Badd Brothers series and I just hate to see them go. Badd Medicine didn't quite hit the mark with me, but I still have so much love for these men and their women .... and just this series as a whole.
When the Badd triplets came along, I was completely intrigued by these three, I just wanted to know what their personalities were like. Out of the three, I think I connected the least with Ram and Izzy. But there were quite a few things that I loved about them, don't get me wrong.
Jasinda Wilder is definitely one of my favorite authors out there, her stories are always fun to read and she really packs it in on the steam factor. Grab a fan, ladies/gents, because you will need it.
I liked the love/hate between these two because it really brought on the tension that was just burning through the pages. I've been curious about these two since Badd Kitty and I've been dying to know what happened between these two.
I found Ram and Izzy to be characters with different sides, one that I loved and the other that just downright infuriated me. I didn't expect them to fight their attraction for so long, which lead to the ending that I wanted so much more from. All the brothers have this brash, crude side, but when it comes to their dreams and passions, that's the side that I loved the most and wanted them to share more of.
The constant push and pull became too much for me, it frustrated me so much. I'd say their hiking adventures were my favorite, it really got them to open up to one another and truly get to know each other. These two have sooo many walls that needed to be broken down.
I'm so sad to say farewell to this series, it may not have been a favorite, but I loved it all the same!
Major thank you to Jasinda and Megan for the reader's copy!