Written on May 10, 2018
Though this book was not as lighthearted as I expected, I did find Lundin's approach intriguing. The story is told from the point of view of Claire, a fan and fairly popular fan fic writer, and Forest, one of the stars of Demon Heart. Hearing the story from the side both sides was interesting. I thought it allowed the various issues to be presented in a balanced way, and I always appreciate that.
Lundin created many wonderful characters, who added some fun and heart to the story. Claire's mom was hilarious, and Rico, Forest's co-star was just an all-around fabulous guy. I loved his bromance with Forest, and found him so charming.
As was the case with other books I read featuring character written pieces, I found I was not that interested in the fan fic. I know there are people, who will enjoy it, but I always find it distracting when there is another story injected into the story I am reading.
Though this book had some bumps for me, I felt it was a solid read, which explored fandoms in a new way, while also tackling first love, the industry's lack of inclusivity, and sexual identity.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.