Cocktails and Books
Written on Oct 31, 2014
June Brandt was a natural resources student that decided to get some much needed peace and quiet by climbing Longworth Mountain. Alex Weaver conservation officer for ministry of the environment-Fish and wildlife went to Longworth Mountain for a different reason ---poachers. They meet at a cabin and decide to locate the carcass of the bear together. That is the beginning of their love story. It seems a little odd that looking for a dead bear can lead to romance but the author manages to pull it off.
June and Alex go on to dodge multiple attacks from those that want them to stop investigating the poaching. It may the attack on their hearts that is the most successful. Despite them both being very wary of love and the heartache that it can bring they realize that love has indeed found them. I really liked that June and Alex were from two very different family backgrounds. The author did a great job of showing how Alex’s family made him reluctant to trust love and June’s family made her crave authentic love. They did seem to have great chemistry in the bedroom. However, outside of the bedroom it just seemed like the romance was blah or nonexistent. I wish the author would have focused more on the couple rather than conservation and the suspense element. I felt like I never fully became vested in their characters because there wasn’t a lot of character development and interaction between the two of them. Most of the focus was on them solving the case rather than them as a couple pursuing a romance.
I enjoyed the element of surprise when I the person responsible for poaching was revealed. Overall, this book was a good quick read with suspense and romance.
Reviewed by Michelle for Cocktails and Books