Mystereity Reviews
Written on Jun 13, 2014
Long review: This book was so good, I'm motivated to go all out and type up a long review. There will be a quiz later, so pay attention. So, anyone who has lived in the south knows you can't rush a good ol' boy telling a great story. You just have to sit back, sip your sweet tea and enjoy the tale, even if you have somewhere else you have to be. That's what this book was like. It's not a slow read, it's an unhurried read. Again, if you've lived in the southern US, you'd know the difference. (I'm a Yankee but I lived in the south for a few years. Good ol'boy stories are always worth the time.)
The author avoided so many of the potholes that make me throw down a book in disgust. (Figuratively, of course. I have a Kindle I love too much to hurl at anything). The characters are quirky and well rounded. I loved Lindsey's eating habits, the "poor excuse for an adult" cereal eating and nacho cheese loving food habits (which I share. Not ashamed.) and her cringeworthy dates. Best of all, none of the characters were the over the top annoying type that's so favored in a lot of cozy mysteries (which turns me off). The setting is beautiful, anyone who's been through North Carolina will enjoy the location porn. There's a hint of romance, which added both humor and some romantical tension and, thankfully NO LOVE TRIANGLE. The primary and secondary mysteries roll languidly though the book, leading you around the twisty mountain roads until you you get to the top and look around. The conclusion was very satisfying, left me wanting to read more without ending with a cliffhanger (I hate that. A good book will draw you in to come back for more without emotionally blackmailing you into getting the next book. This is a good book. If I want emotional blackmail, I'll watch a Sarah McLaughlin ASPCA ad.)
Remember that quiz I promised? It's an essay question: Which date was a bigger disaster? Read the book and decide for yourself.