Written on Jun 27, 2016
"So he had two problems. He had to save the world. And he had to save himself."
This quote sums up Yuri's situation. He's kind of a mess because he is a boy genius, sent from Russia to save the damn world. So no pressure. Anyway, I have some mixed feelings about this, but let's start with the positives, as you do.
The good:
- This book is funny. Like, I laughed out loud, even though the apocalypse looms. Yuri is a piece of work. He's obsessed with science, of course, and has some pretty serious culture shock. Because aside from being from another country, he also hasn't exactly had a "typical" childhood. Being Science Boy will do that to a person, I guess. Anyway, it's fun to watch him navigate California- and Dovie, especially!
- Yuri is endearing, and I also enjoyed Dovie, though I wish we got to know more about her. I liked that even though Yuri knew all kinds of stuff, Dovie had to teach him so much more! Their relationship was sweet in general!
- Obviously I wanted to know how the world was going to fare! Yuri was lacking both Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck, not to mention that no one was playing any Aerosmith whatsoever. (Armageddon reference, anyone?) So he had to rely on science. And no one wanted to listen to him cause he was some random kid. Which, I get. But I liked how he had to struggle with a lot of real moral dilemmas while working to save the planet.
The not as good:
- Why was the U.S. keeping Yuri again? It was explained but I didn't buy it, at all. It seemed like a rather... arbitrary reason to keep someone from their home and family- especially a kid!
- No one did anything until the tech guys came into play. Yuri talked about all his "work"- how he had been working all day and night in the office, all the work everyone else was doing... but I had no idea what it even was.
- Some of it, of course, was a bit unrealistic. I didn't exactly check the science facts, so I have no idea from that point of view, but Yuri sneaking out to play with his friends doesn't sound like something anyone would do when they were in charge of saving the planet.
- I was a bit underwhelmed by the conclusion. I won't say anything more than that, of course. I just hoped for something a bit more... moving, maybe? I didn't have nearly as many feels as I'd hoped to.
Bottom Line: It's a fun story, and certainly a unique one! Worth the read for Yuri, Dovie, and some very enjoyable humor, but not as riveting as I'd hoped.
*Copy provided by publisher for review
**Quote taken from uncorrected proof, subject to change.