Overall I enjoyed this story. It was a quick read for me and one that I didn't want to put down because I need to know how it was all going to be resolved and if Morgan was going to have any parts of her old life back. I liked the type of community service she did and how she actually learned something from it and didn't complain about it. I felt like we got to see her be herself for a little while and not have to deal with all the other problems she was facing. I did find myself getting annoyed with her friends at times because of how certain things happened and how they just kind of abandoned her it felt like (while understandable to a certain extent, it was also just a bit much). Her family situation is one that is sadly common and I did feel for her in that regard because of how things had ended up happening (just be honest with your kids). This book was a fun read for me and exactly what I needed at the time with all the heavy books I was having to read for school.