Written on May 28, 2015
One reason I was drawn to Romancing the Countess is the not-common plot of hero's and heroine's spouses were having an affair and died, and TURNS OUT! hero and heroine were meant for each other anyway, so it all works out.
You know, like how does one make that work? It's complicated with the grieving and betrayal and falling in love and rebounding. See, Sebastian didn't even know of the affair until his wife died, and although Leah knew, she had ISSUES to work through. (Which you'll have to read for yourself.)
I'm not sure I completely bought the romance. *gasps* *falls over*
There were a few odd spots that made me raise an eyebrow, and not in a good way. Sebastian can't go boating during Leah's house party because he knows he gets seasick, then he manages to do it later, without any issue, and without it being brought up. Leah was lonely, so she hosts a house party... then she does something that ostracizes her from society. Which, like, if you don't want to be lonely, don't make yourself a pariah. (Although this is indicative of how I felt Leah's character was never very consistent with her feelings.)
In some ways, it felt like Sebastian and Leah were on different romantic trajectories. (Note to self: trajectories is a fun word.) Leah rarely grieved for her husband, but she was also the hesitant one to reenter marriage. Sebastian, for all his mooning over his wife and thinking she was perfect, was the one ready to dive back into love and marriage.