The Fire By Night tells the story of Jo and Kay, nurses who met while in training. Kay finished her training first and got the cushy assignment to Hawaii at the little known base of Pearl Harbor. Jo was so jealous.
Now, a few years later, Jo is in a field hospital in Europe. Their position is about to be overrun and they are trying to evacuate. She is left behind with the most difficult to transport patients to wait for the last truck to get to her. Suddenly she finds that they aren't coming back for her and the Germans are only a few miles away.
Kay is in the Philippines in an underground bunker that is about to fall to the Japanese. After they are taken, the nurses are kept in a prisoner-of-war camp and used as propaganda while enduring starvation and disease.
The author uses these stories to highlight the role of women in wars. They were considered to not be real soldiers because in theory they didn't get near the front lines. They made difficult choices to stay with wounded soldiers even when it jeopardized their own safety. They were disrespected when they came home because they were "only nurses."
This book doesn't hold back on the details of what these women went through. The fear of being left behind and the horrors of being captured are described in detail.
The ending of the book is not as strong as the rest. There is a bit of romance tacked on that I didn't think fit with the rest of the book.
I would recommend this book for people interested in World War II stories and stories about women's history.
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This review was originally posted on Based On A True Story