Joni Reads
Written on Jul 26, 2016
This was a cute book. A bit short for my liking. More than anything I loved the way you could ask your kids what they would do in the situations the book talks about like a missing shoe, melting ice cream and of course cold feet.
My 3 year olds didn't seem all that into this book but my 8 year old really enjoyed it and it did start good conversations with her. about the situations in the book as I said above.
The pictures were cute and I loved the dog that was featured in the book, such a cute touch. I just wish the book was a bit longer!
While I enjoyed the book I don't really see it as a book that I can read regularly and that is what I look for in a book. Due to the fact that I was really hoping it would appeal to both my 3 year old and my 8 year olds and because I don't see it being something I can read often I had to give this a three star rating. I would read other books by this author though because it is a really cute idea for a book, all in all.