Written on Jun 2, 2010
When I was growing up I was aware of some barriers to being equal, I was a bit of a tom boy and tended to be happier in a pair of trousers (how I griped about school uniform skirt and cheered when some places allowed trousers for girls) than a skirt - which is largely how I have remained.
However, this book has reminded me that there is a creeping sexism on it's way back. An objectification of women that's actually quite disturbing and makes me quite uncomfortable, but I'm often dismissed for voicing it. By this repeated dismissal I think is making people question their discomfort. Women, after all, have been largely eductated to "not make a fuss", so the constant reinforcement of belittling can be hard to overcome.
And many of us are tired of fighting, this reminds me that we need to keep fighting for equality and that I'm not just making a fuss for no reason. After all "If you tolerate this, then your children will be next"