Written on Jul 26, 2013
Birthmarked is the story of Gaia, who lives within a society that is rebuilding under the watchful eye of the Protectorat, who rules with an iron fist. She lives in the sector slums, due to being scarred as a child, when only the perfect children are taken to live within the prestigious walls of the Enclave. Growing up with only one friend, her parents are both loving and doting on the child that they were allowed to keep, having previously been forced to give two boys to the advanced society. Gaia is training as a midwife, having achieved her first unassisted delivery when she arrives home to find her parents missing... And her fight begins.
Fans of heavy dystopian novels will thoroughly enjoy the Birthmarked series, Gaia isn't an instant heroine, but it's afraid to stand for what she believes in. She isn't the perfect, doe eyed beauty that we find in so many young adult books of the same genre, but she's likeable, she's emotional and she's tough. There isn't instant love between Gaia and Leon, but a genuine attraction to one another. It's isn't quite suitable for some young teens, as the birthing scenes are a touch too graphic.
Really enjoyed it and will be continuing with the series.