There's a lot of science, history, facts, etc. given in very few pages, and I really enjoyed reading about all the brainy goodness this book had to offer.
The art is simple, but it kept me in the story. There was quite a bit of information, that it was nice to have visuals to go along with it. The writing was very factual, and although there was some fun personality to the characters, the science and facts overshadowed that constantly.
The ending was awesome and a bit mind-blowing to me. I appreciated how Hana Ros chose to end this, and I thought it worked very well for the book and for the subject matter.
NEUROCOMIC isn't going to be for everyone. It has it faults, namely the one real woman being an object for the Protagonist to chase. When the book gets to the mental disorders of the brain, it makes sense and works, but even still, it was a bit frustrating that the only woman of the story wasn't really a part of the story. Looking past that though, I thought the subject was fascinating, and I'd be willing to try out other work by both of these doctors.
OK honestly, only if they do something creative with the subject matter like they did here.
Also, a giant squid attacks!