Written on Jul 23, 2018
The opening scenes of this book were horrific and I think because I listen to these books and not read them, I find it worse. This book was also a bit more gruesome and Reacher seemed a bit colder and calculated than before. It was a stronger reminder that you do not mess with the special investigators!
I thought how Neagley contacted the old team was great, and to be honest I loved having her back in the book (We first meet her in Without Fail). It was nice to meet the team, not all of them could make it, but nevertheless meeting them in flashbacks made you feel for them, flesh them out and become real people for us to care about.
Reachers deductions, this time, seem a little bit far-fetched and I was not sure how he reached some of his conclusions or squeezed into a small space in a helicopter! It seemed one minute we did not know who anyone was, their involvement and the next Reacher had it all figured out. These people broke his toothbrush so we needed to have revenge! The so-called romance felt forced here like we needed a romance rather than letting big things progress naturally.
It was interesting to see how we are moving forward with the times, and how Reacher the loner, the drifter, has to now adjust to a life where he has to have an ATM card so now he has to carry this, his toothbrush and his passport. Which he is really not happy about!
Remember You DO NOT mess with the special investigators…… Reacher will know