Written on May 4, 2012
Described as an archaeological mystery, I was worried that I wouldn't like it. However, in the end I found it hard to put down.
The book was set mainly in Toronto and Orkney, both places where I have lived, the latter for 22 years, the former 4. The detail of location, especially in Orkney, made this book very enjoyable for me.
At no point did I find the plot predictable and even when the end came it wasn't what I expected. There were clues along the way, but at times they could have pointed in any direction. I had to finish the book because I really needed to know where it all ended. I have read books before just to get to the end to prove my theory was right all the time. This was not the case with this book, which made it well worth reading.
There are other books featuring Lara McLintoch, the central character of this book, and I intend seeking them out. Unfortunately the author, Lyn Hamilton, passed away in recent years, so there will be no others. I believe there are at least 10 books in this series, all set in different parts of the world. If they are as good as this one, then I think I'll have to read them all!