Written on Oct 21, 2013
While I couldn’t put this book down, when I finished the book, I still had a lot of questions and I heard that this book was written with a sequel in mind so I’m hoping that we get that sequel so that hopefully, the answers to my questions will be forthcoming. I thought the author did a great job of pulling me along with his storytelling but after all was said and done, I wasn’t completely satisfied and a lot of that had to do with the way that the book just ended. I wanted to know about Willow from the other alternate reality (that he woke up in), I wanted to know what happened with Cole (was he ever going to get better or was he just stuck in that bed for the rest of his life? Were they doing anything to help him?) and what about the way that Cal’s Mom was quick to reassure Cal about being away from Cole and how she left him alone? Why didn’t she stand up for herself? Why did everyone let Cal get away with everything? How in the world did Cal get away with everything that he did? I was left with too many questions and because of that my overall enjoyment of the book suffered.