Written on Dec 4, 2019
Main character Allie is a sixth-grader in a family full of outgoing and complicated family members. She often feels she's sitting in the background when compared to her older brother and sister who are smart and popular and her younger sister who is autistic. Awkward is the perfect word to describe her and the reason I know this is because this novel mirrors my life so much! I was a very awkward 11-year-old with an outgoing older brother and sister and a younger brother with a disability. The characters are written so well and are brought to life in a colorful and relatable way. I remember feeling the way that Allie felt wondering where she fits in her family and what her part was in how it functioned.
This Middle-Grade fiction book is a beautiful coming of age story where readers see the incredible growth Allie makes as she learns about true friendship, accepting others who are different, helping those in need, and loving others unconditionally. This novel made me laugh out loud at moments and cry in others. The book is set in an earlier era that makes the nostalgia come alive. This book will be enjoyed by teens and adults. The Fifth Favorite will make a wonderful Christmas present for all of your favorite reader friends and family.