Written on Nov 16, 2017
I'm getting a lot of use with my new Romance Package on Audible. Books that I had always planned to read but never got around to are where I'm getting the best use. The variety is good and if they keep up with this level of quality, I will definitely keep using it.
The Arrangement was a sweet love story about two people looking at creating a new path in their life. Our heroine has always been the little mouse sitting in the corner unnoticed. She has been neglected by her loved ones and carries the burden of her father's sins. Sophia is a good girl and deserves a lot better than what she gets. Luckily, there's someone very special who notices her. He may not see her but he knows she's there.
Vincent Hunt is escaping his life. He knows that his family want the best for him but unfortunately, their idea of the best for him does not agree with his. Drastic action must be taken. In the dead of night, he will escape his over-protective family and hopefully find a new path where being blind isn't the end of the world.
The Arrangement is very sweet. The angst levels are mild, the characters are genuinely nice and the baddies are just mean instead of evil. I enjoyed it for what it was and accepted that it wasn't going to be a heart-pumping, action-packed adventure.
Of course, the narration was AMAZING!! Seriously, Rosalyn Landor is fantastic and I can't recommend her high enough, especially when it comes to historical romance.
I will definitely be looking for more Mary Balogh stories in my future.