That is when things just started to go a little tiny bit crazy and that feeling, you know the one that sits in your belly telling you something isn’t quite right. Then the voice in your head whispers to you, indicating something is off. Well, that’s what happened to me! Something started to smell bad, worse than fish being left out all day and unfortunately for the characters involved well it was just too late by that point.
I did not expect the book to take the shocking twists and turns that it did and it completely kept me on my toes! I fricking love it! For me everything worked, the tension, the lies, the hysteria, even the ramped up love affair, because I think that if I was Georgia I would be acting the exact same way! I would have fallen hard and fast for the charismatic Luke, the saviour for Georgia when her Tinder date didn’t turn up. Love at first sight, not swipe! The fear that Georgia suffers is palpable on the pages, I was fraught with worry for her. Her fear and anxiety are rational, I mean if I was stalked like she was, receding the messages she was, I don’t think I would leave the house and I would become and feel isolated too.
The Ex-Girlfriend is suspenseful, it’s a page-turner and I really did not want to put this book down. I flew through this book, it is a book you become so enthralled in you forget what is going on all around you. I lost an hour and a half reading the last half of this book. I picked it up and then before I knew it I had read the last line and just thought well holy moly!
It is a completely entertaining, compelling, popcorn eating book! The type of book that deserves to be made into a film. The type of book filled with romance, lust, betrayal and secrets. The type of book where you have a satisfying climactic ending, something you need to relieve yourself of that pent up tension it is crazy and so believable plus I loved the setting of Australia!
This is a winner in my eyes! I will be keeping an eye for future books by Ms Moriarty!