Written on Dec 2, 2020
Last update // January 12th 2016
Midnights - 3.5/5
While I absolutely love Rainbow Rowell's writing and her books I was a tiny bit disappointed by this. Her story is separated in a couple of smaller chapters but I wish they differed from each other ? I felt like I was reading the same thing all over again just with small changes. I liked the characters, liked how it was a story more suitable for New Year but I personally think it had a lot more potential. Giving it 4 stars only because I thought it could be a bit better otherwise I was satisfied with everything else.
The Lady and the Fox - 2/5
I don't think I have enough to write about this one. The story was a bit strange? No matter how much I tried I just couldn't get into it. I might give it another chance (already gave it two, hoping it would get better but no) so we will see if my opinion ends up changing after that. Also 1 star is not enough for this story but 3 are too much so I stuck with 2.
Angels in the Snow - 5/5
This is the first story I have ever read from Matt de la Peña and I suddenly want to read more of his works. His writing style is so interesting and also so much fun to read. The story itself made me feel all kinds of things. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy but it also made me pretty sad.
Polaris is where you'll find me - 3/5
I wasn't really disappointed by this story from one of my favorite authors but it definitely didn't make it high up in the list. I couldn't really relate to the main character since it was pretty young but it was still cute story. Something I wouldn't mind reading after a long day to relax a bit!
It's a Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown - 5/5
This one was the best one in my opinion. While I loved Angels in the Snow I personally think I liked this one even more! I really wish it was way longer, I would actually love it if Stephanie Perkins dedicated a whole book to the characters in this short story. I fell in love with them and got attached to them in only a few pages and it's kind of hard to suddenly let them go and move on to another story. Pretty sure I will reread it soon and come back to it once again!
Your Temporary Santa - 3/5
A lovely story. I loved Riley, she was so cute. I am not sure about others but I really got that sad vibe from this one? So I was pretty much sad the whole time I was reading it. I feel like this story should have been longer because while I liked it, it was good, I also thought I didn't really get much from it? At least not as much as from others. I would also love to know more about the characters of this story. If David Lethan decided to talk about this a little or even write something else following the same characters, it would only make me happy (as long as I would get some answers).
Krampuslauf - 2/5
Not your usual Christmas story. It was interesting but once again I felt like it could have been developed more and delivered better. In general it was pretty confusing. I think if it had more pages (not just 30) it could be developed better and it wouldn't feel like you are just flying through a storm.
What the Hell Have You Done, Sophie Roth? - 4/5
What a lovely, diverse story. I love Gayle Forman's writing and so far I have enjoyed everything I have read from her. I feel like I wanted a bit more from this though. It didn't fully satisfy me but it didn't disappoint me completely either.