Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on Feb 24, 2014
Blythe's despair of a world is describe in great detail, I could smell the dirt on the walls and could vividly picture the makeshift art hung there. It is obvious that only a mad person could hold a teen in such a matter, but as the years go by Dobbs spirals deeper into madness and could picture his psychotic eyes widening each time he entered below.
I was a little worried about the futuristic aspect of Above as science fiction is not always my cup of tea, but I found the subject matter as a whole to be intriguing and weighed out any worries I had prier. There was no need for worry. I was captivated by the devastation that awaited Blythe and her son. I was heartbroken for Blythe as she came to the realization that her world was not how she left it over a decade ago. Adam, her fifteen year old son was like a kid in a candy store, amazed by all he saw, unsure as to whether it met his expectations.
To be honest it was all a little bizarre. Like Twilight Zone bizarre. I don't feel that I can say much more without giving away a major plot twist, but it threw me through a loop, Adam's candystore is Willy Wanka after he goes through his factory's tunnel.
After a sticky situation is unstuck Above becomes more subdue. The ending, to take another Wonka reference reminded me of the Gene Wilder adaptation where Wonka rides Charlie for drinking fizzy-lifting and scuffing the ceiling. I was so mad at Willy Wonka for treating Charlie ill, but then Charlie gives Willy Wonka his Everlasting Gobstopper back, Wonka's eyes light and the story ends in hope. That is how I felt about the ending of Above.
I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review